Success STEM Endowment

The STEM/Engineering Success Scholarship is available to CNM students receiving of their Associates Degree with a major in one of these STEM fields – Math, Engineering, Biology, Chemistry, Nutrition, Earth and Planetary Science, or Physics. This award is intended to help an outstanding student whose goal is to continue their education and pursue a bachelor’s degree at a four year institution. It will be awarded to a student who has demonstrated a commitment to improving their future through education and awarded to the top applicant based on CNM academic history, strength of personal statement, and intention of continuing their education. Award will be made to top eligible applicant. Applicants must be graduating in Spring or Summer with an Associates’ Degree on of these STEM fields – Math, Engineering, Biology, Chemistry, Nutrition, Earth and Planetary Science, or Physics, have a 3.0 GPA or higher, completed at least 50 credits towards degree, applied for CNM graduation in STEM field, and not received a Bachelor’s Degree. Students must write a personal statement of two pages or less addressing their goal of transfer to a four year institution, plan for obtaining a Bachelor’s Degree, and how their associates degree from CNM will help them reach their educational goals. Students need to request a letter of recommendation from a current instructor.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Please write a statement addressing your goal of transfer to a four-year institution, plan for obtaining a Bachelor's degree, and how your associate's degree from CNM will help you reach your educational goals.
  2. Please provide the name and email address of your program instructor who can provide a letter of recommendation on your behalf.