Veterans Emergency Scholarship

The Veterans Emergency Scholarship is an emergency fund available for students who are experiencing an unforeseen financial situation. This situation must be beyond the student’s control and possibly prevent them from continuing their education. The Veterans Emergency Scholarship is intended to assist serious students continue their studies and complete a CNM certificate or degree. Applications are reviewed on a case by case basis and awarded accordingly. Applicant’s academic performance and progress in their program is an important factor in the final consideration. Students must write a personal statement explaining their unforeseen circumstance or emergency, why they need the emergency funds and how money will be used, the exact amount requested, and who should be paid, if no FAFSA explain why, and include their educational and/or career goals. Students must provide supporting documents of the financial emergency.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Please write a personal statement explaining your unforeseen circumstance or emergency, why you need the emergency funds and how the money will be used, and state the exact amount requested.
  2. Please provide the name and email address of a current instructor who can provide a letter of recommendation on your behalf.
  3. Please provide the name and email address of a CNM Veterans Representative from the VRC who can provide a letter of recommendation on your behalf.
  4. Please upload supporting documents of the financial emergency.