Wells Family Endowment

The Wells Family Endowment has been established through the CNM Foundation to assist students with financial support toward tuition, books, and other related educational equiplment/tools. Awards will be made to the top eligible applicants. Eligible students must be enrolled in an associate’d degree, have completed at least 12 credits of college level courses at CNM, enrolled in a minimum of 6 credits, and must have a 3.0 or higher GPA, completed or enrolled in IT 1010, completed a FAFSA, and have unmet need. Students must write a personal statement about themselves, why they have chosen their major, their educational goals, and how their education at CNM will help them. Students need to request a letter of recommendation from an faculty member and/or academic coach. First priority will be given to those students who have experienced the loss of a parent or primary care giver. Second priority will be given to students who are first or second generation residents of the United States.
